Healing Modalities
Practices that may be drawn upon during your session.

The Japanese energy healing modality Reiki (pronounced "Ray-key") has been in practice since the early 1900s. In Japanese, it means "sacred universal life force energy"; it is the presence that flows through, animates, and connects us all. Reiki as a healing system was developed by monk Mikao Usui on his search for the meaning of life. What followed what this healing art, which has been passed from Reiki Master to Reiki Master over time. With subtle yet profound effects, Reiki's primary purpose is to raise consciousness and serve the recipient's highest good.
When receiving Reiki, you lay fully clothed on a massage table, while the I rest my hands gently on your body for minutes at a time. During this stillness, the Reiki energy flows from my hands into your body following your body's wisdom to work out kinks, sooth and comfort, and enhance your state of well-being.
When receiving Reiki, you lay fully clothed on a massage table, while the I rest my hands gently on your body for minutes at a time. During this stillness, the Reiki energy flows from my hands into your body following your body's wisdom to work out kinks, sooth and comfort, and enhance your state of well-being.
Compassionate Listening
Sometimes we just need to speak our truth. We need a safe place to acknowledge what is really going on for us, even (or especially) if it ain't pretty. We need to know that we are okay even if we aren't perfect, that we are not going to be judged. We may need to hear our experience reflected back to us to see our situation with more clarity. Whatever the reason, with the best of my ability, I am here as a compassionate ear to walk the journey with you for a while.
Far-Infrared Heating Mat with Natural Gemstones
While laying on the massage table, you will be resting on a padded mat filled with amethyst, tourmaline, and obsidian gemstones. In addition to containing the gentle healing energy of the stones, this mat emits far-infrared heat, negative ions, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy at the frequency of the Earth (7.8 Hertz), and utilizes an electromagnetic field filter to reduce your exposure to electro-pollution from electronics and wireless devices. Using this mat may boost your immune system, relax sore muscles, improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and provide rejuvenation. Resting on the mat is soothing and relaxing, and many clients have found it to amplify the effects of receiving Reiki.
Electromagnetic Field Balancing
Developed by Peggy Phoenix Dubro in 1987, Electromagnetic Field (EMF) balancing focuses on your energetic lattice (highways of energy around and throughout your body) which contains a storehouse of information about you in your past, present, and future. It is in this space that our habits, beliefs, latent talents, and memorable experiences reside. When our energy field is out of balance we may feel stuck recreating unhealthy patterns, or feel that we do not have access to the skills and information that we need to live a fulfilling life. EMF balancing works to relieve congestion in our field, release charge off of past events or future worries, and activate your potential. When our personal energy fields are strong and fully functioning we more fully embody who we really are. In a typical healing session, I incorporate EMF balancing techniques as needed to support your energy field.
Nonviolent Communication
Psychologist Marshall Rosenberg developed the practice of Nonviolent Communication (also known as Conscious, or Compassionate Communication) in the 1960s as a way to help us connect more fully with ourselves and others, especially as a means to dissolve conflicts. One of the core tenants of this practice is that our feelings point to universal human needs that are either being met or unmet. Getting clarity on these underlying motivations, and offering empathy to ourselves and other can greatly shift our quality of experience.
Perceptual Thinking Patterns
We all process our experiences in different ways. The studies of Dawna Markova expands the perspective of ourselves beyond being just a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner. Her work suggests that we are all three. Yet, each of us process these types of information with different aspects of our consciousness. Gaining insight regarding how we process auditory, kinesthetic, and visual information within us can help us have more compassion for ourselves, and understand how to allow deep, lasting healing, and retrain old patterns.
Distant Healing
Live out of state, traveling, or going in for surgery? Are road conditions too slippery, or perhaps you’ve come down sick at the last minute and you can’t make it to the clinic for your appointment? One of the many benefits of this work is that when meeting in person isn’t an option, we can do a remote session for equal effect. You get to choose if you would prefer to connect over the phone, Zoom, or email.