Our furred, finned, and feathered friends can benefit from Reiki too Do you have animal companions in your life? If so, and you are anything like me, you probably treat them as family, and would do everything you can for them. When our friends need a little extra support, it's helpful to know about Reiki for animals.
As an animal lover, I've given Reiki to all of my pets, to many friend's and clients' pets, and even injured wildlife. They, too, have an energy body, and can benefit from coming into greater balance when they need it. Reiki can support them when they've had an injury or surgery, or an ongoing health condition. It can help them deal with aches and pains as they get older. Energy healing can support them with behavioral challenges (often a result from stress or previous trauma). It can also help in their end of life transition. In short, if humans can get Reiki for something, so can our animal loves. Every animal is a little different, and has their own comfort level. Of the pets I've had, namely cats and dogs, they've all had their own unique way of relating with Reiki. When I was first starting my Reiki practice, I was still living with my parents and giving sessions to friends and family in my room. Every time the Reiki was flowing, their kitties Jazzy and Sophie insisted on being in the room with us, pawing at the door until I let them in. Then they would hang out peacefully in the room just soaking in the good vibes. I had one kitty Wuya who would often come over and lay on my hands when I was giving Reiki to myself. I took that to mean she was looking for some Reiki, and would give her a treatment too. She would lean her body into my hands, and move periodically so the spots that needed attention were resting in my palms. When she was done, she'd get up, shake herself off and scamper away. Sometimes, when my other kitties Orangie and JoJo are in my lap and I'm petting them, my Reiki will turn on of its own accord. I take this as a sign that they need a little extra attention, and I work on them until they feel done or the energy shifts. They also like to photo bomb when I'm giving Zoom sessions, so some of you may have already met these two. I find they like to hold space with me and provide extra moral support for the clients I'm working on at times. Animals can be amazing energetic guardians, and emotional support, as many of us know! I had one dog Bleu who couldn't handle hands on Reiki. Anytime I would turn my Reiki on for her and get close to her, she'd run out of the room. However, I could give her distant Reiki and support her when she was going through bladder cancer and other issues. Another dog I had Fluffy was very receptive to Reiki. She was a rescue that had a past of abuse and neglect. Due to these experiences, she had anxiety, PTSD, and neuromuscular issues. She was my sweet special needs dog. Fluffy was very receptive to Reiki. She loved it, and it often soothed her anxiety. Slowly but surely (along with other measures) the Reiki was helping with her neuromuscular challenges. I also did some remote shamanic work on her to dissolve some of the trauma she experienced before we adopted her, and observed notable shifts. When the time came that she was no longer doing well, and needed to be compassionately euthanized, I was able to send her distant Reiki to bring her ease, hold her in love and help her peacefully cross over. I've also offered Reiki to clients' pets after surgery, when dealing with a health issue, or to help with the dying process. When I've gotten energetic permission, I've also sent Reiki to injured wildlife that I've come across to support them too. This has included cats, dogs, horses, birds, geese, raccoons, opossums, and more! How this looks in action when a client asks for Reiki for their animal friend: Schedule a remote session with me. In most cases, to help animals feel at ease, it is best to let them receive Reiki while relaxing in the comfort of their home. This also minimizes any logistical challenges of transporting our animal friend, and them being comfortable somewhere else. Also, every animal is different about their openness to receive touch (especially from a stranger). Remote work allows us to dive into the energy more efficiently and focus on the issue present rather than trying to help get the animal comfortable in order to do the work. We would decide if we connect over Zoom, phone, or email. This would be the way that I would have the conversation with you about your animal friend. All methods are equally effective and do not impact the flow of the Reiki. If you are able, it is helpful for me to have a picture of your pet, their name, and where they are. This helps me hone in on their energy. During the session time, we would start with a conversation about what your animal is needing support with so I can focus my intentions. You can be present with them at the time or not. It will depend on the circumstances you are currently dealing with. Reiki is flexible and we can make most things work. Once we've done the check in, I would send the Reiki to your animal focusing in on the concerns you have. After I send the Reiki, I share my observations, and you can let me know anything you may have observed about your animal friend. Animals are often very receptive to Reiki. If you ever find one of your animal friends needs support, I'm happy to help! Email to set up a session, or book online and leave a note about your concerns. Have your animals ever received Reiki? Maybe you're a Reiki practitioner that's given Reiki to animals. If so, comment below to share with others what your experience was like. Blessings, Sarah
Sometimes the path forward isn't always clear. Sometimes life presents us with no-brainer decisions. We reach a fork in the road and it is imminently clear that one of those directions leads to greater fulfillment, and well-being, and less suffering and dysfunction.
Other times we reach a decision point, and it is unclear which direction will lead in alignment with our values and priorities. In some cases, we aren't even sure if we are at a definitive juncture in the road. It's more like we are at sea without a map. We can keep going in the direction we are going, or we can steer the ship 2, 15, or 90 degrees in another course. All of which will lead us to different places, but we don't have a knowing of what the weather will be like ahead or where and when the ship will reach shore. Sometimes it's really hard to know what to do. Being with the unknown can be unnerving. I don't know about you, but parts of me certainly feel a lot safer with a guarantee, or reassurance that things are going to be okay or turn out a certain way. Since I haven't been able to procure the guidebook that tells me when x happens turn to page 63, when y happens turn to 243, line 7, I've had to adapt. I may not be able to provide guarantees, but I can practice providing presence, care, and compassion to myself. I can validate that it's hard to be with the unknown, and make space for the feelings of fear or anxiety that arise. For me, I also find comfort in the shared humanity that many other people around the world may be going through similar dilemmas, and that really we all are just making the best judgment calls we can even if it feels like we're aiming in the dark. So if you are finding yourself in the grey area right now, where things aren't fully clear, I just want to offer you some grace. You also don't have to walk through the grey alone. Reach out if you need some support. Warmly, Sarah One of the things that I appreciate about Reiki is its ability to meet us where we are at in any given moment. When we are stressed or anxious it can bring calm and comfort. When in physical pain, it can provide ease and relief. When running on a lack of sleep, it can offer deep relaxation. When unable to leave the house for feeling sick and tired, it can help us move through the illness and heal more quickly. When struggling to find a way forward in work, relationships, or projects, it can offer clarity. When feeling alone and unsupported, it can reunite us with connection and hope.
Because Reiki is a spiritual and energetic modality, it can mold itself to whatever the situation requires and help bring a greater sense of balance. Reiki is flexible and transcendent of time and space. It can support us whether we are receiving in person, at home on our couch connecting over the phone, or about to go into surgery or to court. Even if we are not able to tune in due to circumstances, the Reiki still flows and brings balance. We can receive it from others, as well as from ourselves if we are attuned. This adaptability of Reiki, and its gentle way of responding to all situations makes it one of the most grounded, practical, and compassionate tools I have ever had the privilege of adding to my tool box. Perhaps, you have had the opportunity to see how Reiki supports you in the various scenarios of your life, or perhaps you have yet to discover this unique quality of the modality. I would love to hear the ways that you may have experienced Reiki in our comments. Were there any things that you were surprised about? Many blessings to each of you. Warmly, Sarah Gain perspective, even as chaos swirls around, by connecting with the Earth ![]() Check out all of that new life emerging from the upended roots of a fallen tree! Even when things fall apart, they transform and become anew. Harbingers of life. Hold on to hope and patience, dear ones. One day, this whole situation will evolve into something as beautiful and blossom laden as this old tree. Hello there, How are you hanging in there today? I know a lot has been happening each day, and there is much to process. Many of us are working from home now, some of you might not be able to work at all, and some of you may be feeling extra stress if you are in key positions, or in the health field. The kiddos are now at home (at least here in Wisconsin), and rebellious teens may be giving you a run for your money as they struggle with social distancing and staying in. Gosh, this is a lot! Can you offer yourself some compassion for what you are going through? We are all doing the best we can with this, adjusting as much as possible, so we can navigate through this time. Please be kind and forgiving of yourself, and those you may be sharing space with. No matter how this pandemic is affecting you, dear one, my heart goes out to you. We'll get through this one day at a time. One breath at a time. Did you know that today is technically the first day of Spring? Even as the chaos of the virus disrupts so much of our modern lives, the world is still spinning on it's axis, the sunrises and sets, the birds are chirping, and building their nests, the bulbs are peaking out from the ground. Life is still moving, and abundant here on this planet. Have you taken a moment to pause, turn off the news, and your devices to listen? Have you opened your window to breath in the fresh air, to look at the sky, or listen to the rain? If you are not under strict lock-down in your community, have you taken a moment to step outside, or go for a short walk? We are fortunate, here in Wisconsin, that we can still enjoy the great outdoors, at least for now. The bonus is that it is even easier to honor the recommendation for social distancing of 6 feet when you are outside. If you are feeling cooped up, and needing to move your body, I encourage you to get out in nature for a spell. I recorded another short video for you all with a guided meditation to release stress, ground. This will be especially helpful if you find yourself taking on the fear and anxiety of others, and if you can't get outside yourself. I recorded it at the beach near our home, so you can take in the sounds of the waves, birds, and a little thunder at the end. I finished recording just in time! Eek! The video is just under 17 minutes, with the meditation beginning at 3:10. As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the meditation. What do you notice when you tune into the Earth at this critical time? Share with us in the comments or send me an email.
If you are enjoying these meditations, and want to support my efforts, would you consider making a small donation? You can do so here. Thanks so much! Much love to each of you, Sarah P.S. I am still seeing clients remotely at this time. I am conducting these appointments over the phone, Zoom/Skype, or email. If you are wanting support, email, call 608-335-1934, or book online to schedule. Free guided meditation below The Coronavirus is all over the news, and many of us are getting updates from organizations that are taking preventative measures to minimize the spread of the virus. So here you are, receiving yet another email... I understand if you are feeling overwhelmed, or, perhaps, irritated with all the hype. I've recorded a guided meditation for you to support you in working with whatever might be coming up for you. But before we get to that, bear with me, as I briefly share some logistical pieces. We are amping up our preventative measures at our Madison clinic, sanitizing the space more thoroughly and frequently, and, of course, continuing to be diligent about hand washing! I encourage any of you who have scheduled appointments that may be showing signs of illness, or come into contact with someone who may have the Coronavirus, to let me know in advance. We can switch your appointment to a distant session, so you can still get the support you need, and not spread germs. Or, if you are immune-compromised, or regularly come into contact with vulnerable populations, and you are wanting to be more cautious about your exposure, you can also have a remote session. I wrote a recent post about distant Reiki and what those sessions look like that you can read more about here. Continue to use your common-sense. Remember, to minimize the spread of germs, wash your hands regularly (for at least 30 seconds), and stay home if you are feeling unwell. Support your immune system by getting plenty of rest, eating nutritious foods, and taking the supplements you need to give your body a boost. If you are Reiki attuned, now is a great time to amp up your self-Reiki regime! Receive medical attention if you need it. Did you know that being calm, happy, and laughing gives your immune system an extra edge? Your body is more able to fend off any imbalance or "invaders", and make repairs when you are not in fight or flight mode. If you notice fear or anxiety starting to bubble up for you, it is a opportunity for you to tune inward, and practice diffusing the fear. I've recorded this special guided meditation for you that you can use no matter what you are feeling. The intent is for it to air out these feelings, and help us connect with stability, love, and compassion within. Consider it some extra love for yourself, and your immune system. I hope it is supportive for you. (I'm sure this goes without saying, but this meditation is not meant to be a substitute for the appropriate preventative measures, and medical attention.) The video is just under 45 minutes, with the meditation beginning at 3:52. We begin by noticing what is, and offering compassionate witnessing for ourselves. At 18:15, we dive into our heart and kick up our immune system. Of course, I recommend that you carve out the time to do the whole thing, but if you can't, go as long as you can, perhaps setting a timer so you can come out of it when you need to. A little bit of meditation is better than none. Once you'd done it, I'd love to hear what you think. How did you feel after the meditation? Share with us in the comments or send me an email.
Sending you all lots of love and compassion as you practice discernment and self-care during this time. And, hey, why not use this as a good excuse to watch your favorite comedy? Your immune system will thank you. You are resilient, Sarah Want some additional energetic support at this time? Email, call 608-335-1934, or book online to schedule. Facing uncertainty During my work with clients over the last month, I have been noticing a theme that many (including myself) have been facing particularly strongly—our relationship with the unknown.
The uncertainty, of course, is always there. Though some of us may be becoming more aware of its steady presence as we face weather extremes, the upcoming elections, or the unique details of our personal lives. The question is, as we remember that we are part of larger systems unfolding on a course all their own, how are we relating with ourselves? Are we freaking out with anxiety, fear, rage, or sadness? Are we scrambling for control, some way to escape, or blow off steam? Are we able to access a sense of faith, and able to ride the waves that are washing in? Maybe you vacillate between these realities depending on the moment. No matter what your experience is, I would like to invite you to offer kindness, and compassion for yourself. We all want to be safe, loved, healthy, and happy. When we sense these qualities may be in jeopardy, it is natural to respond in effort to preserve them. We all have this instinct. Sometimes, I wish I had a book that could tell me the details of everything that is to come, and the best way to face it. I would reference it in these times of uncertainty, and share it with you all. But, alas, we all know no such thing exists. Yet, as I look to the trees during this change of season from summer to fall, it is as if they are guiding, "Gather your resources. Soak in all the nourishment you can. Let all the goodness you have encountered infuse into your being. Fill up your reserves—the deep wells within you—with all the love that has freely washed over you. This has been there, and still is (in case you had any doubt), just like the light from the sun that shines indiscriminately on all of life on Earth. Then, my friends, shake off the empty shells. The vessels that once were vehicles of life that are now hollow. Shed the old skin, the fading coat, the crumbling leaves. Let the winds of change carry them effortlessly away. You don't need them any more. They served their purpose. Honor them for what you experienced through them. Then let them rest. They will be renewed in their own time in this web of life." I look to the trees, and this I remember. What unknowns are you facing right now? How are you working with them? Share your experience with us below, or send me an email. Wishing so much love, freedom, and trust for each of you. With heart, Sarah P.S. Tired of facing the uncertainty alone? Reach out, and we'll walk the path together. |
Sarah Barlow
Reiki Master Teacher and Owner of Embrace Your Essence Sign up for our E-Letters Here
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November 2024