Return to the basics. Hey There,
How ya doin? There's a lot going on in the world right now. Hurricanes, world conflicts, the upcoming election... and whatever is going on in your personal world right now. How are you holding up? It can feel overwhelming for the average person; amplify that if you are a sensitive person. Sometimes, when there is a lot going on, and we are on the verge of shutting down, or spinning out, we need to return to basics: Sleep: Are you going to bed at a reasonable time so you have 7-8 hours to at least rest in bed? Water: Have you had a glass of water today? Food: Have you had some fruits or vegetables today? Movement: Have you moved your body today? You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to run for miles, or have an elaborate meal. Sometimes it's having an apple, going for a 5-10 min walk, or having a glass of water next to you as you work. These basics can go a long way in tending to our bodies and systems. If you want to do a little more for yourself, you might consider doing a meditation. Have you tried my free "Being with What Is" meditation? Maybe you could use a little more support through a session, or you'd like to join us for our upcoming live guided meditation on Thurs Oct 24th from 5:30-6:30pm CST. Remember these meditations are customized to the group, and you will get a recording you can download to listen to again later, or enjoy if you can't make it live. Every little bit that you can do for yourself (and sometimes that's taking a little bit off your plate or offering yourself a little more grace) makes a difference. Remember you have innate goodness within you, and you aren't the only one who wishes to operate from this place within you. We'll find our way. We just have to remember we are not alone, and there are others who are doing their best to come from a place of goodness and compassion too. Here for you if you need it, and walking with all of you during these wild and surreal times. Sarah P.S. Would you do me a favor? Would you make sure you are registered to vote, and coordinate your plans to vote on election day Tues Nov 5th, or absentee/early? If you are in Wisconsin, you can get the details here, or if you are somewhere else in the US you can do so here. Using your voice, and right to vote is a simple but powerful way to show yourself that you matter.
Embracing the darkest time of the year. Here we are... we have entered the darkest, coldest months of the year. I will admit, this is one of my favorite times. Perhaps, it's because I'm part Norwegian, or that I'm a bit crazy. ;) But as I look out the window, I feel embraced by a blanket of clouds, and imagine nature is saying, "Dear one, rest with us, daydream with us, relish the quiet. Replenish your reserves. Soon we will be exuberantly moving again, but, for now, rest."
For many, perhaps you, I know this time of year can be trying. Especially if you have Seasonal Affective Disorder, or, frankly, don't enjoy the snow, and cold. This may be a time that you hope to get through as soon as possible. I get it. We are all wired differently. No matter what your feelings are about fall and winter, I invite you to explore with me how we can make the most of it. Imagine what is instinctive for us to do (or not do) this time of year. What knowing is carried within your bones, and tissues? Knowing passed down from your ancestors, who at some point were living closely with the land. The instincts of the human animal within you. Outside of the pressures, and expectations of our culture, what feels natural for you this time of the year? Though we live in a culture with electricity, and technology that is ever-changing and grasping for our attention, our instinctual roots run deep. We often are so distracted by the buzz of modern society that we forget that these roots inform so much of who and what we are. How can you honor the shift that is natural for us to make this time of year? Perhaps you may remove some things from your to do list so you allow more time for rest and sleep. You may replace certain activities with more contemplative ones like meditation, or journaling. Meaningful community connections may draw you, much like the hearth fire and stories our ancestors would share helped them remain tightly knit and nourished during the winter months. Cherished daylight hours may beckon you out for movement to balance the dark. No matter what you choose to include, surrender, or shift this season, I encourage you to contemplate what will nourish you, help you integrate the past year, and support you in feeling full and ready to face our next season of activity that will come in the spring and summer. I'd love to hear what insights come forth, and any shifts you decide to make this season. Feel free to comment below. Warmly, Sarah P.S. Does receiving healing and energetic support fit into how you would like to be nourished this winter? Email, or book online. |
Sarah Barlow
Reiki Master Teacher and Owner of Embrace Your Essence Sign up for our E-Letters Here
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November 2024