Lighten your load. Hi There,
So much is going on in the world right now, between navigating the pandemic, facing ingrained racial injustice, and all the other happenings. It's easy to get swept up in the fear, anger, grief, uncertainty, dissonance, and as well as the hope, desires, and outpourings of love that are present right now. Mix it all together and it can feel quite jumbled. Between what is unfolding in the collective, and our own personal world there is so much for each of us to process. This moment is demanding a lot of us. As such, it is natural to not feel like you are at your "peak performance." If you find yourself being hard on yourself for this, please, friend, be kind, gentle, and patient with yourself. We are each doing the best we can, and that is enough. If you aren't already, try to set aside a little time each day to turn off distractions, be with yourself, and breathe. Practice gratitude for your life. Surrender your burdens to the Earth. Allow her to support you. Invite yourself to see that beauty and love are here with you always, even when it is painful, even when it is hard. It might not look like fairy tales and roses, but that benevolent presence is here with you all the same, even when we forget or can't perceive it. If you are an empath, feeler, or Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), this time can be particularly overwhelming, exhausting, and confusing. Not only are you having your own response to these events, but you are also picking up on those from the people around you, in your home, neighborhood, and the whole world. Because the entire planet is facing this pandemic, and much of the world is also grappling with racial disparities, the collective energies are particularly heightened right now, in a way that has been unrivaled (at least in my lifetime). It's like we are swimming through a thick soup of energies. If we are not mindful, we can easily drown in this collective cocktail, and lose clarity about what we are responsible for, and can control: ourselves. To support us in this endeavor, I will be offering one of my cornerstone classes online: The Empowered Empath. This class is designed for people who pick up on the energy of others, by feeling it emotionally or physically in their own bodies. It will help you liberate yourself from carrying the burdens of others, get clarity on where your energy and that of others begins and ends, practice energetic boundaries, nourish yourself, reconnect with your power, and support others with an open compassionate heart without taking on their "stuff." As the tools that are presented are put into consistent practice overtime, they have the potential to dramatically change how we feel as we relate with the world. We can feel empowered, and solid while still engaging with our gift of sensitivity. Even though this class is tailored towards empaths, if you are struggling with some of the themes I mentioned above and you don't identify as an empath, you may still benefit from the skills in this course. This five week series will be offered online via Zoom starting Tues July 21st. Even online, this course will remain interactive with teachings, meditations, exercises, reflection, and sharing. No matter where you are in the globe, you are welcome to join us live, or catch the recordings later (they will be available for a month). Due to this platform, I am also able to accommodate a larger group. Feel free to invite your loved ones to join you. Finally, due to these trying times, I will be offering this course on a sliding scale. See the details below. The Empowered Empath Virtual Series Essential wisdom and practices to move freely, and compassionately with your gifts What is an Empath? Tues July 21st 5:00–7:00pm
Know & Love Thyself Tues July 28th 5:00–7:00pm
Boundaries, Boundaries, Boundaries Tues Aug 4th 5:00–7:00pm
Immune to Energy Vampires Tues Aug 11st 5:00–7:00pm
Being an Empowered Empath Tues Aug 18th 5:00–7:00pm
You will receive handouts that you can download/print before each class. Each class will include time to reflect on how you operate as a unique empath, and live guided meditations and exercises. Held online via Zoom on Tuesdays, July 21st–August 18, 2020 from 5:00–7:00pm CST (6–8pm EST, 3–5PST) Can't make a class? They will be recorded. You will have access to the recording for one month after the class. Cost for Entire Series: Sliding scale of $75 — $100 — $125 — $150 — $175 Generally, I offer this course for $125 total when it is in person. Though this is the baseline price, I am offering this series on a sliding scale given current challenges. I trust you to look into your heart and pay what feels like a fair exchange for you, given your situation, and what is being offered. If money's a little tight, pay $75 or $100. If you have more cushion, and want to pay it forward, you can give $150, or $175. Last day to register is Friday July 17th. Series must be paid for in advance, your space is held once payment is received. Call 608-335-1934, email, or book online to register. Have questions? Please don't hesitate to reach out! If you feel inspired to jump in, I look forward to working with you! Much love, Sarah
May we nourish our collective heart this holiday As we honor Thanksgiving this year, whether gathered with loved ones or resting in solitude....
May we feel safe to be as we are, in our bodies, minds, and souls. May we acknowledge the provision that life has offered us, and allow ourselves to fully receive that which nourishes and feeds our spirits and flesh. May we shrug off with grace that which would diminish our light. Allowing it to roll off us, untarnished, and view it through the eyes of compassion and a desire to understand. May we be fully grounded in our hearts and feel this capacity grow. May we honor our roots, our personal ancestry, and that of our communities, country, and planet. May we remember that we wouldn't be here without those who came before. May we honor their love, courage, and hope. The beauty they planted that has flourished through time and strengthened through adversity. May we also acknowledge their shortcomings. The moments of misstep, and misalignment with deep Truth and Love. The old wounds, personal, and collective, that have yet to heal. May we recognize this humanness within ourselves too. That we all have these capacities for love, fear, connection, and confusion. May we find tenderness as we see these places where our souls and communities still ache. May we witness the pain and not turn away. May we say, "I am here with you, brother, sister, friend. We will heal this together." May we be willing to forgive, and to practice it until we feel it in our bones. May we have the courage to move into inspired action. Led by the heart, to offer greater healing to ourselves, our families, and the world. May we trust that our love and joy ripples out into the universe, and serves those who need our gifts the most. May we remember that the choice to live from this place elevates us all. We Are One. ------------ Thank you for existing. We need you. With so much love, Sarah P.S. Have a blessing you would like to share with our community? Post it in the comments below. Things are not as they seem. In the Land of Smoke and Mirrors, do not believe everything you think. The thoughts a barrage of unworthiness, hatred, fear, despair. Taunting us with a seemingly unending list of evidence proving this dark, grim reality. The haunting visuals, words, and feelings, can echo in our minds. My friend, do not fall prey to these specters of your mind. Moving through our darkness, and the themes it takes at different times of our lives, please, my friend, remember: things are not as they seem. The show these parts of our mind create, with their lurking shadows, distorting flashing lights, and ominous voices, can distract and confuse, paralyze or enrage. Please, my friend, remember, this is just a stage. If nothing else, remember that this is not real. Call to the light. Remember that it exists. Sometimes, looking up, seeing that the light is still there, amidst all the confused mess, is enough to beam us out, and give us a wider perspective. Other times, it may be like traversing through a dark, slippery cave, seeking the crack where a small glimmer of light enters. As you feel your way through the shadows, my friend, remember, that things aren't as they seem. Take your time, remember the light. Remember that love exists. Follow your nose to fresher air, and trust that I am here with you. Though it may seem it sometimes, you are not alone. When you've made it to higher ground and fresher air, when the tenuousness of your journey has passed, breathe. Perhaps, pause, look back, and see things for what they really are. As the superfluous special effects begin to deflate, and special lighting dies down, do you see the man behind the curtain, the boggarts, the path through the "fun house" more clearly? What was this elaborate, convincing, and even painful display all about? Underneath it all, you may notice a small kernel of truth. A need. A longing. An ache for love, acceptance, peace, belonging, healing, safety, freedom, to be seen. A call to receive something that a part of you may have been needing deeply for so very long, a part of you hidden in shame, and a vulnerable hope that its need may actually be met. Now your path is more clear. Learn to invite in this love, compassion, and awareness. Trust that you are worthy to receive it. You are. If you are traversing through darkness, your Land of Smoke and Mirrors, or know someone who is, you do not have to navigate through it alone. Reach out to someone who can help you remember what is True, to call out Illusion, and feel your way back to your connection to light. I'm no stranger to these lands, and would walk through it with you in a second if you ask. I've got my torch bright and blazing and at the ready to help us find our way through.
With so much love for you, Sarah P.S. If a thought feels like sh*t when you think it, it doesn't contain fundamental Truth. |
Sarah Barlow
Reiki Master Teacher and Owner of Embrace Your Essence Sign up for our E-Letters Here
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