The Empowered Empath begins Oct 1st, 2019. Join us for this life changing series! Are You an Empath?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions you may be an empath. Being empathic is the intuitive ability of feeling the energy around you. Most empaths I know are highly compassionate and loving people. They want the people they love (and, frankly, let's face it, everyone on Earth) to be happy and healthy. Many of them want to serve others in some way. But if they haven't learned how to navigate life with their empathic gifts, they can feel too overwhelmed, exhausted, or confused to show up in life the way they want to. Some struggle with maintaining healthy boundaries and even knowing what that looks like. Others can go from feeling heavy and down around the Eeyores in their lives, to walking on air when around people radiating joy. If they haven't learned how to work with their sensitivity, they can feel like a human yo-yo. As an empath myself working in a service/caring profession, I know how important it is to have the skills to work with this ability. After years of honing it, and ongoing practice, I know that it is not only possible to live empowered as an empath, it can feel really good (even when the tough stuff comes up). You can show up even more fully for yourself and others in really profound ways. I have pulled together all my tried and true tools and wisdom in a way to help you, or the empath in your life, find relief, tap into that inner strength, and keep your heart open. I offered this series before in May of 2018. This time, I've incorporated an additional class: "Immune to Energy Vampires" to support us in navigating interactions with narcissists, as unfortunately, this is an all too common relationship trend for empaths. The Empowered Empath Essential wisdom and practices to move freely, and compassionately with your gifts What is an Empath? Tues Oct 1st 5:00–7:00pm
Know & Love Thyself Tues Oct 8th 5:00–7:00pm
Boundaries, Boundaries, Boundaries Tues Oct 15th 5:00–7:00pm
Immune to Energy Vampires Tues Oct 22nd 5:00–7:00pm
Being an Empowered Empath Tues Oct 29th 5:00–7:00pm
Each class will include time to share and practice with other attendees, gain insights about how you operate as a unique empath, and resources to maintain these skills and practices at home. Class is open to eight participants. Cost: $125 for all classes. Must be paid in advance. Your space is held once payment is received. Call 608-335-1934, or email to register. The Empowered Empath Refresher Open to anyone who has attended the one of Embrace Your Essence's empath classes (The Empowered Empath, or "I Know How You Feel") or explored this topic with Sarah individually. Revisit the essentials for feeling free, loving, and centered as an empath. Just in time for the holiday season! Purify your energy, solidify your boundaries, and nourish yourself. We will return to the practices that support us the most. Limited to eight attendees. Tues December 3, 2019, from 5:00-7:00pm Cost: $25 Call 608-335-1934, email, or book online to register. Have questions? Please don't hesitate to reach out! If you feel inspired to jump in, I look forward to working with you! Best, Sarah P.S. There is still time to sign up for the group Reiki II class that begins on Sat Sept 14! Two spots are left. Register by Sept 6th to attend.
Sarah Barlow
Reiki Master Teacher and Owner of Embrace Your Essence Sign up for our E-Letters Here
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November 2024