Return to the basics. Hey There,
How ya doin? There's a lot going on in the world right now. Hurricanes, world conflicts, the upcoming election... and whatever is going on in your personal world right now. How are you holding up? It can feel overwhelming for the average person; amplify that if you are a sensitive person. Sometimes, when there is a lot going on, and we are on the verge of shutting down, or spinning out, we need to return to basics: Sleep: Are you going to bed at a reasonable time so you have 7-8 hours to at least rest in bed? Water: Have you had a glass of water today? Food: Have you had some fruits or vegetables today? Movement: Have you moved your body today? You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to run for miles, or have an elaborate meal. Sometimes it's having an apple, going for a 5-10 min walk, or having a glass of water next to you as you work. These basics can go a long way in tending to our bodies and systems. If you want to do a little more for yourself, you might consider doing a meditation. Have you tried my free "Being with What Is" meditation? Maybe you could use a little more support through a session, or you'd like to join us for our upcoming live guided meditation on Thurs Oct 24th from 5:30-6:30pm CST. Remember these meditations are customized to the group, and you will get a recording you can download to listen to again later, or enjoy if you can't make it live. Every little bit that you can do for yourself (and sometimes that's taking a little bit off your plate or offering yourself a little more grace) makes a difference. Remember you have innate goodness within you, and you aren't the only one who wishes to operate from this place within you. We'll find our way. We just have to remember we are not alone, and there are others who are doing their best to come from a place of goodness and compassion too. Here for you if you need it, and walking with all of you during these wild and surreal times. Sarah P.S. Would you do me a favor? Would you make sure you are registered to vote, and coordinate your plans to vote on election day Tues Nov 5th, or absentee/early? If you are in Wisconsin, you can get the details here, or if you are somewhere else in the US you can do so here. Using your voice, and right to vote is a simple but powerful way to show yourself that you matter.
What kind of world do you want to live in? Over the last few months, as we all have been adjusting moment by moment to navigate the coronavirus pandemic, we've been provided with a unique opportunity. Such dramatic shifts in our daily routines, and oscillating in and out of the old ways of operating offers us new perspective. Some may have had more chances to pause amidst the uncertainty. Though even for those who have had to rush around to ensure survival, this experience has offered us all the chance to reassess.
In sessions, I've heard some of you sharing how much calmer and more supported you feel working from home, and having less pressure to rush off to so many activities. I've heard others sharing excitement about how the Earth gave a sigh of relief with less pollution, but not with how we are all using so much more disposable PPE materials which are inundating our landfills. Others have been grappling with the blatant disparities of class, and color have come to the forefront as we see how socioeconomics and race have played out in one's increasing exposure to the coronavirus. Those are just a few observations I've heard from clients over the last few months. So, let's pause for a moment, and contemplate these questions:
While the vision may feel distant or removed from the current reality, know that things are shifting. Many of you have told me you can feel it. I can too. If we hold to our dream, and let it guide our choices, it will support us in cultivating this new world. Though I have been dreaming this for a while, it wasn't until the last few months that I felt that I might see aspects of this transpire in my lifetime. My longing has been for us to come into right relationship with ourselves, humanity, and the planet. A world where we live with reverence, and respect for all of the beings that share this floating rock in space. That we remember to consider how our actions will affect seven generations in the future, as so many indigenous cultures have practiced. A world where we remember what is important: we take care of each other, forgive each other, hold each other with compassion, and laugh and play together. That we witness and embrace those who are hurting, and/or lashing out without judgement rather than ostracizing them. I imagine that if enough of us live by similar ideals, that if/when the old, unsustainable structures crumble, we will have woven a safety net that will cushion the landing for those who have lost the only thing they've known. We will help them back to their feet, and we will move forward grounded, grateful, and healing together. So, dear one, I would love to hear your dream, and answers to those questions. Please share with us in the comments below, so we can inspire each other, and remember we are not dreaming up these new ways alone. Finally, an announcement: For those of you who are feelers, sensitives, or empaths who have been hoping and wishing to find a way to surrender overwhelm, confusion, improve boundaries, self-care, and embrace your gifts, you will want to join us for this upcoming virtual series. The Empowered Empath begins Tues July 21 and runs for five weeks on Zoom. Because this is a virtual class you can tune into the live class (or recordings) from anywhere around the globe. I can also accommodate a larger group so feel free to share with your empathic friends! I'm offering this on a sliding scale to help out during these trying times. See full class details here. If you feel inspired to jump in, I look forward to working with you! Much love, Sarah |
Sarah Barlow
Reiki Master Teacher and Owner of Embrace Your Essence Sign up for our E-Letters Here
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November 2024