Strengthen your spidey senses An intention that commonly comes up with my clients is a desire to awaken or strengthen their intuition, so in this installment of Musings from the Journey, I thought I would share some of my tips.
Would ya know that you can approach developing your intuition scientifically? I mean, you don't have to chart or record your experience judiciously (unless you want to), but, holding the posture of a neutral observer will help you immensely. The key to tuning in to our intuition is to listen and notice. Gather data over a period of time. Pay attention to the subtle cues you pick up on in your body and environment. In our culture, it is common to write off certain types of input we receive because we are "making it up" or "imagining things." This perspective squashes intuition like a bug, before we can even see that it may be a beautiful, rare butterfly. Now, disclaimer, not everything you experience will be information you want to take as guidance, but we want to at least open the door so you are receiving some info. Some examples of "data" to make a mental note of: if you see something out of the corner of your eye, you feel a twinge in your belly when around someone you aren't fond of, your body feels drawn to move in a certain direction, you hear a buzzing in your ear when thinking of something in particular, your dreams, etc. There are all sorts of ways that we can perceive energy. What I invite you do to when you notice something to is to say to yourself, "Oh, isn't that interesting? I'm experiencing ______." Then you don't have to make theories or projections of what it may or may not mean. You are just making note of the data. Flex your intuitive muscles in small ways. As part of the data gathering process, give yourself low-stakes decisions to make, see what kind of information you get, then make a judgement call. Then, see how that plays out in time. For example, when driving or biking home from an errand, ask yourself which direction to turn as you approach an intersection. Do you hear the word "left," feel a pull to go in a certain direction, see a line of energy guiding you, feel a sensation in your chest, etc.? Based on what you notice you make a choice about which direction to turn. As you continue on, maybe everything goes smoothly. Maybe you have to stop and wait for a train, or there's an accident. Maybe you pass your best friend, and pull over for a chat. Whether it goes well, neutral, or not the best, this is all giving you additionally insight into how you receive information and what it might be telling you. Continue to intend to have awareness. Even if you aren't noticing seemingly anything at first, keep your intention open to receiving information. It is called subtle energy because indeed it is subtle. The Universe speaks to us in whispers, unless we are being really thick... then sometimes we can get hit over the head with it. I will say there have been times I've had a negative thought then I bonk my head on something... that's a cue! There are some practices that will help you flex your subtle perception muscles: meditation, yoga, Reiki, being in nature. Practices that help you slow your thinking mind, and tune into your body are very helpful. As well as practices that get you in touch with your spiritual, energetic, and animal nature. Also, if there is an activity that you enjoy that you find you get "in the zone" with this is great! Notice how you receive information when in that kind of a space. Over time, patterns will reveal themselves. I was not always in tune with my intuition, and when I set out to develop it, I really didn't know what to put stock in for a long time. After maybe a year or so, the meaning of one of my indicators became very clear. I had enough real-life experience and feedback by that time that helped me know that when I feel strong chills through my head, back and body that either: there is something that is being said that has truth and warrants special attention, and/or there are spirits that are letting me know that they are present. Developing your intuition is an ongoing process. While there will be cues that become more clear in time what they are indicating, you probably won't get to a time when you've figured it all out. There is so much subtlety and nuance that it is worth coming to your intuition from a place of discernment, gratitude, and humility. Hold the information you get lightly until (and even if) the patterns become clear. There are factors can can complicate the process, like our ego! But, what I've found is that this continuous inquiry and relationship can really enrich our lives, and help us live more and more in alignment with who we really are. I would also be remiss not to mention that the way each person receives intuitive information and what it may mean is individual. Just because chills means I'm onto truth or spirits for me, doesn't necessarily mean it is the same for you. This is all about getting to know your body with it's (extra)senses for the unique instrument that it is. The more time you spend tuning in and "practicing" the better trained your ear will be to when things are resonant, or out of tune. So, anyhoo, that's what I'll leave you with for today. Do you have reliable intuitive signals, or experiences you'd like to share? Perhaps, you have questions that I can address in another article. Leave them in our comments. Warmly, Sarah
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Sarah Barlow
Reiki Master Teacher and Owner of Embrace Your Essence Sign up for our E-Letters Here
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